The Sixth Floor museum. Check out the window on the far right on the sixth floor. From this window Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. This is the Texas School Book Depository and today it's the Dallas County Administration building. The sixth floor has been set aside as a museum to the events surrounding the assination of President John F. Kennedy.
http://www.jfk.org/ We enjoyed going back in time and learning about this significant even in the United States' history. Sad to say this was the only tourist attraction we were able to fit into our busy days.

The old Dallas County Courthouse at Dealey Plaza taken from the Grassy Knoll.

This is Reunion Tower and the Hyatt Regency in downtown Dallas. Impressive!
I could've spent hours here but I'm thankful to have had the short time to at least go through the museum. This gives me a reason to want to return one day. Most of my time was spent with my son and very late night ball games and as a Mom who misses her son that time was even more important. Discoveries still await me in Dallas and the surrounding area!