It's been very hard lately to find the time to sit quietly and get any creative thoughts. Of course it's that time of the year when we're all busy and trying to do a little of everything, and instead we get nothing accomplished. Maybe I shouldn't say nothing but we feel that way at the end of the day. Looking for the bright side of this season I got to spend a lot of time with my family. Who could ask for more. I hate to see this season end but time moves on. We have a clean slate with a New Year upon us so I must step forward and wait for special moments. Those moments are there but sometimes we fail to notice them or appreciate them. My resolutions? Ha! Yes I'm old enough to know Im not perfect and can't live up to all I say or wish but I can make a small resolution that I can keep trying to accomplish everyday. That would be kindness to others. Can I do it? It's worth a try isn't it? When I fail I'll hopefully attempt it again and again. My wish for all of you this year is happiness, contentment, to be healthy, and to recognize your blessings and appreciate them in the moment.
The Picture:
They are some of my biggest blessings. My Children.
God Bless You
Happy New Year!!