June 10, 2012

Oak Alley Plantation

Built around 1837 (pre air conditioning and electricity!) the colonnades and aligned windows kept the whole house air conditioned in a true 'green' fashion.  Elegance abounds from the grounds to the inside decor.  Of course a mint julep has to be enjoyed in the cool shade.  Overlooking the Mississippi River with only five foot levies I'm sure at some point made the owners nervous when the River decides to overflow.  Today the levy is 40 feet and you are not able to view it but you still know it's there.  We were fortunate enough to see a huge ship pass by that the top of the ship was over the levy.   Of course the real characters of the plantation are the Oak Trees.  
Lots of oak trees!

The trees were HUGE!
They date back to before the house was built.  Nobody really knows the story of why or who planted the trees but they left behind a beautiful breathtaking view.
Samantha was sizing up the trees....

The branches sometimes began new trees.

The Oaks line both sides leading from the house to the river.  
They are spaced out over a span of 800 feet long.

Imagine an evening walk to the river.....

1 comment:

Thanks for your visit!
Hope you are blessed in some way today!
-- Holz!