The Mackinac Bridge can't be missed when you're at the top of Michigan.
Crossing the Mackinac straits where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet...
It has had many distinctions of the longest, tallest, etc,
Sturdy and strong the bridge has withstood some nasty Winters.
In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the U P) trees are in abundance.
The bridge has provides access instead of ferries for the endless supply of wood.
From every angle you can see this structure.
I can't imagine being brave enough to help build this massive bridge.
Could you climb up to the top with unexpected winds at any time?
Above St. Ignace, Michigan, you can see the bridge stand out above the pines.
This was our arrival to the bridge from Mackinac City, Michigan.
There was a high wind warning and constructions at points.
The warnings only allowed 20 mph that day.
It was intimidating at this point!
It seems as we crossed the bridge its own wether patterns were in force.
We hit wind, rain, sun but was given some great views!
Even from the porch of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island you can spy the bridge
in the distance!
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