August 8, 2013

New Orleans Doorways

Come in; sit down; relax and have a Mojito.

I'm guessing one doorway leads to another....

It's slightly ajar but we couldn't get a peek to see what was 
behind doors #2 and #3.

You can reflect about the French Market as you sit behind this door 
enjoying some unique NOLA food.

August 6, 2013

New Orleans Funerals and VooDoo

Just what is the obsession about?

Although I don't understand the obsession with voodoo I do 
think the idea of a Jazz Funeral is extrodinary.
A funeral should be a celebration of life!

Dem bones, dem crazy bones!

August 3, 2013

The French Market: New Orleans

Joan of Arc'
I believe she is guarding the market...!

A rainy entrance to the market.
It's a great place to take cover and shop for something unique and artsy.

It's all here!  You may just need to keep walking to find it all.

We each have our own style?

Across the street from the French Market this building stands.
I wonder if its haunted by any pirates?

We found this little piece of art at the market.
Since my son is a graduate of UNO (University of New Orleans)
I thought he'd enjoy it.
Fluer de lis and all!
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