July 31, 2011

Everybody Dance Now!

Twist and Shout

No sitting down allowed!

To the Left and stomp stomp stomp.

An Irish Jig.

Hot Diggity!

Achy Breaky Heart!
You are always on my mind!

July 28, 2011

Then and Again

What goes around comes around.
From one wedding to another.
Ages to Ages.

July 25, 2011

Hail Hail the Gangs all here

Here we are.
Our table shot.  
Some are happy to have a pic taken, some are saying not another pic!
The instructions on the table said we 'had' to do it! 
We obey all rules!

July 23, 2011

Love Endures

Love endures

I've been wanting to do this picture for quite a few years.  
Of course I didn't come up with this idea myself.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

The tree.  There's something about that single tree....
I know I'm not the only one around that realizes this.

I do not know what compels one to think that a picture of a lonely tree is lovely,
 but who knows the answers to everything?

July 20, 2011

Bride Waiting

With her job well done spreading flowers down the aisle,
 she waited patiently for the bride to make her entrance.

July 19, 2011

Oh! So pretty!

Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.

July 18, 2011


To my Granddaughter
 On her Wedding Day
My heart is filled with memories
 Of times when you were small,
 Days filled with joy and sorrow—
 I’ve loved you through them all.
I remember watching you grow. 
I was filled with so much pride
 But the years have flown so quickly
 And now you are a bride.
As you begin this new life
 And become husband and wife
 I pray your lives will be filled with love 
And blessings sent from God above.
So many precious memories
 Of special times in your life,
 And now I add your wedding day—
 The day you become a wife.
                                           Denise Wiedema

I thought this was a fitting poem to celebrate a granddaughter's wedding day.
  I know this bride has been blessed by Grandmothers, Grandfathers, 
Uncles, Aunts,  and Cousins that were proud of her on her wedding day.
  The memories are vast and we look forward to many more in the years to come

July 12, 2011

July 11, 2011

Wedding 2011

Weddings bring out the best in people.
Love and Hope for the future are the leading thoughts of the day.
Nothing beats Love and Hope!

July 5, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Nichols

A very quaint wedding brought together Ms Cortney and Mr Josh in a beautiful union.
The day couldn't be more perfect.